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Monday, May 7, 2007


I'm not a writer like so many of the bloggers I follow, so I can't say I feel up to this task of spilling my thoughts to the online world, but here goes nothing.

I'm a 33 year old, stay-at-home mom, to 2 beautiful boys. Little Man is 8 going on 18 (he thinks he's a teenager) and Moo Moo is 6 going on 2 (he thinks he's still a baby). I really call him Moo Moo. I remember there was a reason I started calling him that, but it the rest of the memory has left the building.

The Man and I have been married for almost 11 years. I want more children. He thinks I'm crazy. One day I will win.

We live in the used-to be small town where I grew up. My parents, brother and sisters, grandmother, aunts, uncles, and many cousins all live here. I love it.

I am not creative. I have a math and science brain. I read too much. I like to cook (it's edible chemistry) and garden (my high school science projects involved manure as fertilizer).

I'm a consultant for a direct sales company which I can't name because it's against company policy to advertise in any way online outside our company created websites. As if anyone is reading this blog who doesn't already know which company I'm with. As if anyone is ready this at all.

I so need to go clean my bathroom instead of writing this.


Brandie said...

Hello ... so nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving some words of encouragement.
I have a 7 year old who is going on 16 and a 4 year old who thinks she is 2 and also a 1 year old who thinks he is 21 and should be able to do whatever he so pleases LOL!!!
I also read too much =) But it's a nice retreat for me to get lost in books.

Jenny said...

lol, me too on the reading. I'll start reading a book at bedtime and promise myself I'll just read at night, then the next morning I promise I'll only read a chapter, then it's 3pm and time to pickup the kids and I've done nothing but read all day. When I finish a book, I go into withdrawal.